Tuesday, September 18, 2012

100 Days of beautiful Emily

Today Emily is 100 days old!

This is a Chinese tradition.  100 days is the first major celebration for our baby.

I cannot believe it has already been 100 days; but at the same time, the day Emily was born already feels like a million years ago!

Emily has changed so much!  Looking back at her pictures: she was so tiny and fragile when she was first born!  Now she has filled up nicely, although no michelin baby, and is so much more active!  Even when she was a newborn, she was pretty active, guess that was why she did a somersault and became breach at the last moment; but now, she is almost constantly kicking her little legs and moving her little arms.  When she is in her bed, she always turns so she sleeps on her side.

She smiles and coos, and has conversations to herself, her toys, and us.  The sounds she makes are so sweet and funny.  She does have her favourites: grandma > mommy > daddy.  She also lets us know when she is unhappy, and has a very loud cry!  Grandma keeps saying she is going to be a singer in the future.  :P

We had a little party on Sunday.  My friends showered Emily with gifts and love.  Then today, grandma came over, and we had a little family party.  Grandma made birthday noodles and Daddy bought her a yummy cake, which the adults ate. :P

Growth at her 3 months check up:

Weight: 12.5 lbs (55th percentile)
Height: 59.5 cm(53rd percentile)
Head circumference: can't remember the number but (86th percentile!) all brain! :)


Formula - gave up breastfeeding at 2 months
120 ml during the day q3hrs
140 ml at night
This has been the most challenging item on the list.  Emily will have lots of times when she seems hungry, but then cries when we offer the bottle, then continues to cry when we offer her the pacifier or the bottle.  She will then fuss until she falls asleep or half asleep, then she will finish the bottle that way.  It is pretty stressful for mommy sometimes.  Other times she eats fine. Hmm....


Still some trouble with napping soundly during the day.  Some days she seems to nap well in her crib, others mommy is lucky if she sleeps 30 minutes!
At night,  she goes to sleep at 9-ish, then dream feed at 12-ish, then wakes up at 4-ish, but does not always feed at that time.  Finally wakes up about 7-8 am.


Loves her jumper!  Although it said 4 mos+, we started sitting her in it when she turned 3 months, since she seems to have quite a strong neck and loves being upright.

Loves putting weight on her legs and walking all over us.  When lying flat, she kicks her legs constantly.

Love to do crunches/sit-ups, I think she is trying to sit up by herself.

Loves to eat her hands and doing leg lifts, maybe she will eat her feet soon.

Loves trying to roll over, but has not made it yet.

Loves when we make funny faces at her, when the wind blows in her face, and when mommy's hair sweeps her face.

Loves grabbing mommy's hair, and skin, ouch!

We have been to the movies a couple of times and she seems to be very calm in the theatre.  She mostly sleeps though.  ;)

She is usually very well behaved and quiet when we have friends visiting.  I think she is trying to take in all the faces and attention she gets.

Dislikes tummy time, although she can kind of lift her head and shoulders from time to time, not consistently.


My sweet little dragon girl, I hope you will continue thriving and stay healthy.  I hope to be a good mommy to you.  I can't wait to see what you can do next!